Aug 8, 2008

Beijing Olympic 2008 - A whole world event

Official logo of the 2008 Summer Olympic Games

Beijing Olympic 2008 also officially known as the Games of the XXIX Oympiad . As part of a chinese people around the world . I am so proud to hear that Beijing on today 8/8/2008 having a clear sky .There is a media notices on press conference on air quality of Beijing . Click here

Because on thurday 7/8/2008 . It air pollution index was recorded at 96 , which come close to exceeding the national level for accpetable air.

To help ensure clean air ! Beijing imposed drastic measures in mid-July, including pulling half te citys' 3.3 million vehicles off te roads, halting most construction and closing dozens of factories.

Let's pray and bless everything go in peace and happy during the events and be together to help n archieve it.

Ooopp ,although i'm not china citizen but i'm aproud chinese.

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