Aug 22, 2009

Five Qualities for Climbing the Ladder to Success - Orginal from bnet

 I just knock up by reading a article from Bnet , it really make know sense about way to success once you follow the step.Don't ask me for proof but i know alot of people which i currently working on is follow this traits..believe it or not..

  1. Flexibility. Willingness to change direction, do
    what it takes, let go of personal agenda, and swallow pride, all for
    the greater good and the overall health of the business. Also being a
    team player when it counts most. There’s a maturity factor, for sure.
    This is the trait that surprises people most.
  2. Honesty. Courage to look people - especially
    customers and authority figures - straight in the eye and tell them the
    genuine truth, regardless of consequences. Telling the story straight
    without sugar-coating bad news. “Yes men” are toxic to companies.
    Ethics and morality are related.  
  3. Leadership. This is not as complex or subjective
    as you might think. Leadership is the ability to encourage people to
    follow you, especially when they don’t have to. It also enables
    executives to drive consensus, or pull a diverse group together, united
    behind common goals, strategies and plans. 
  4. Accountability. Willingness to take
    responsibility, own a problem, and be held accountable over the long
    haul, regardless of the risk. Maturity to take it on the chin without
    pointing fingers and wasting time on CYA activity. Stickwithitness and
    loyalty are related. 
  5. Intelligence. Anybody who denies this is full of
    it. Everything else can be learned, but not this. Forget old notions of
    book smart versus street smart. You have to be both. Ability to rapidly
    digest and analyze information, reason, solve complex problems, and
    make critical decisions.   

1 comment:


Hi nice blog....